2/20/2018 中華學苑30周年校慶 有吃有玩(新聞取自世界日報) SDCA 30th Anniversary and Chinese New Year Festival (News from World Journal)
2/16/2018 中華學苑30周年校慶與新年慶典 (新聞取自華人雜誌) SDCA 30th Anniversary and Chinese New Year Festival (News from We Chinese)
2/13/2018 聖地牙哥中華學苑 30 周年校慶與新年慶祝活動 (新聞取自世界日報: 中華學苑春節園遊會 為台地震受難者默哀) SDCA 30th Anniversary and Chinese New Year Festival (News from World Journal)
2/13/2018 恭喜!聖地牙哥中華科工聯誼會獎學金得獎學生, 三位獎學金得主都是中華學苑學生(新聞取自世界日報: 台留學生減 科工會憂缺人才) Congratulations! SDCASEA Scholarship Winners. The three winners are all SDCA students. (News from World Journal)