聖地牙哥中華學苑成立於1988年, 為一所非營利組織, 承載著弘揚中華文化的使命, 教授中華語言與文化。 強大的師資、 專業的管理、 生動活潑的課程與活動設置,  學校的規模日益擴大。 學校設立有學前班、注音班、拼音班、普通班、雙語班、學分班和成人班。 中華學苑上課的校址是 La Jolla Country Day School, 學校的設備先進, 校園環境優美, 秉持著小班教學。

San Diego Chinese Academy is a non-profit organization established in 1988. Our mission is to preserve and promote Chinese tradition, culture and language. We have a team of outstanding faculty and professional administrative personnel. Our classes are conducted in a lively atmosphere interspersed with fun cultural activities. We offer Pre-kindergarten to Grade 12 immersive Chinese classes with ZhuYin and PinYin, bilingual Chinese classes, high school credit classes and adult class. All classes are maintained at a low student to teacher ratio. We are located at La Jolla Country Day School with its beautiful campus and advanced amenities.


2024-2025 學年度網上註冊 Online Registration

最新活動公布欄 Upcoming Event

  • 04/28/2024 預註冊(1)、家長大會–理事改選、義工表揚同樂會、學分班説明會, Pre-Registration (1), PTA Board Election, Volunteer Appreciation Party, Introduction credit class meeting
  • 05/05/2024 預註冊(2)、教務研討會(4)、下學期期末考、學生商店(2)、禮卡發放(2)、彩排, Pre-Registration (2), Teachers Meeting (4), Final Exam, Coupon Day (2), Scrip distribution(2)
  • 05/12/2024 母親節放假, Mother’s Day (No School)
  • 05/19/2024 預註冊(3)、結業典禮、謝師宴, Graduation and Award Ceremony, Pre-Registration (3), Teacher Appreciation Dinner

2024-2025 學年度網上註冊 Online Registration

聖地牙哥中華學苑 2024-2025 學年將回學校上課. San Diego Chinese Academy will return to La Jolla Country Day School for the 2024-2025 school year. 

如果有任何問題, 請 email 或是洽電 (858)205-7322. If you have any questions, please email or contact us at (858)205-7322. 

慶祝中國新年及三十六週年校慶 Chinese New Year Festival, 36th Anniversary

2022-2023 學年度網上註冊 Online Registration

聖地牙哥中華學苑 2022-2023 學年將回學校上課. San Diego Chinese Academy will return to La Jolla Country Day School for the 2022-2023 school year. 

學生商店 Student Store

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Remote Learning Fall 2020


Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in California, many school districts in San Diego have decided to implement remote learning for the next school year. Our school has decided to implement remote learning for the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year. We will decide what to do regarding the second semester based on the situation of the epidemic later on.

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